Sydney’s weather has been so unpredictable this spring and this Sunday afternoon session with the fabulous Van Der Merwe family at Fagan Park was no different. In the week leading up to their session, Dom and I had discussed our wet weather plan if we happened to have rain. We decided that since the rain in Sydney never lasted very long, we’d brave the weather, even if there were signs of rain and simply seek shelter in the event that the skies did open.
Everything started off really well. The skies were promising rain, but we weren’t worried. We were close to shelter and we’d hopefully have enough time to make it under cover. Happy with our plan, we started out and were having a great time. Barry and I went to school together back in SA and He and Dom and their kids moved to Sydney not too long after we did. So we were catching up on news, capturing some fun poses in-between locations when we felt the first drops of rain. Not to be deterred we raced to the nearest shelter and had a good laugh at the very unfortunate timing for the weather man to actually get the rain predictions right!!! 😆
The Rain Came Down
But, as we’d guessed, the rain didn’t last long at all and before long we were making our way back out into the park to carry on with our session. …We REALLY should have waited…because the rain that followed that slight little sprinkle came down in buckets! So hard and so fast that we didn’t even have a chance to get to shelter of any significance!! We had to huddle under a tiny roof overhang that literally just kept us from getting drenched. And there we stayed…until the rain finally stopped…and it did finally stop. But not before we all had rain splatters all over our clothes and our hair looked a little less styled than when we’d started! hahahaha.
The show must go on
Huge props to Dom and Barry though, because they carried on as if the rain hadn’t even happened. The kids of course took it all in their stride, as they always do. Who cares about rain when you’re out of the house having a fun afternoon exploring a huge park with ducks and their baby chicks!! 😁
After the rain, it was pretty uneventful. Except for a few near slips into a creek or two (by me of course…anything for the shot, right??!?!?! 😆) I’d say it was a pretty great afternoon. These are a few of my favourites from our afternoon out at Fagan park…I hope you enjoy them.
Baz and Dom – thank you so much for the fun afternoon. I loved getting stuck out in the rain with you. 😆😁 Can’t wait to do it again.

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