

Sydney Wedding Photographer


Do what you love! | Bella Vista Photographer


Hi, I'm mandy.

I'm so happy you found the Sugar Tree blog. Here you'll find posts from recent sessions, personal ramblings and tips and tricks on anything from taking better selfies, to how to get great snapshots of your kiddo's. Stay a while and say hello!

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The sugar tree Wedding portrait guide

Planning your wedding? I got you girl...Grab your free guide here!


Sydney Harbour and surrounds blog header

I can’t say that I always dreamed of being a photographer. When I was young, I used to watch LA Law (giving away my age with that one!!! :p) thinking what they did was so cool and dream of being a lawyer. At Uni I majored in law and accounts (sensible -read boring – majors ;p)…and yet here I am years later doing neither of those things!

At 18 what did I really know about what I wanted to do with the rest of my life? My career assessments all pointed in that direction, so that’s what I did…and decided halfway through my 2nd year that I honestly couldn’t see myself doing either of these things long term. But I was halfway through and I couldn’t just stop now. So I finished my degree, started working in Insurance (don’t ask…) and from there made my way into IT. Yes, yes…again don’t ask.  hahahaha.

Even the very first SLR camera we owned actually belonged to my husband. He enjoyed taking pictures and mentioned wanting a decent camera. So as the only thing I could think of to buy him for Christmas one year – that’s what he got…. and THAT my friends was when the penny finally started to drop. It wasn’t instantaneous, but rather gradual, as I started using the camera more than him and after my mom gifted me with a beginners photography course at the National Photography College, it FINALLY dawned on me… THIS IS WHERE I BELONGED!

It took me awhile

It really shouldn’t have taken me as long as it did. I mean honestly, it was right in front of me ALL.THE.TIME! As far back as I can remember I was taking pictures or buying cheap little film cameras. I was always coming home with these funny little gimmicky cameras and would take endless pictures of whatever was around. Never realising that being a photographer could be a job that you do and people actually pay you – it’s too much fun to be a REAL JOB right?!?!?!? And that’s pretty much how I still feel. How can this amazing thing that I get to do each day, actually be classified as a job?

Job’s are supposed to be boring and what we do to fill our time, right!?!?! WRONG!!!! There’s a saying that goes “Do what you love everyday and you’ll never work a day in your life!” And it’s so very true. I think that if we are doing what God put us on this earth to do. Following the purpose and passion that He placed in our souls, then we are right where we are meant to be.

We’re made to thrive

We aren’t meant to just exist, but to thrive! When we’re doing what we love, when we’re excited to get to work each day because we can’t wait to see what the day holds…THAT my friends is when we know we’re right where God intended us to be…doing EXACTLY what He made us to do! And that’s how I know that I am right where I’m meant to be! I love what I do. I love capturing people’s memories. I love the joy I see on their faces or the excitement in their texts when they message me to say they love their pictures.

It’s not only about the pictures for me. It’s about the amazing people I get to meet too. Strangers who end up as friends. Sharing their stories, their joy. Being involved in their happy moments. It’s a privilege, this thing I get to call a job, because I get to help people record their legacy.

Capturing Everything

I love getting out my camera and capturing what’s happening around me. It’s almost like my camera is an extension of me. Friends of ours recently joked that it would be terribly painful to tour Europe with me because I stop ALL.THE.TIME! hahaha. (Good thing I walk quicker than most people so it doesn’t take me long to catch up) Not having lived in Australia very long I treat every excursion as an opportunity to be a tourist. There are so many photo worthy moments all around us. We don’t need to travel halfway across the world to be tourists. Try viewing your neighbourhood as a tourist attraction as see all the amazing wonders you uncover. Afterall – people around the world probably travel to your part of the world every year. Where you live might just be someone’s bucket list place to visit…and you get to live there every day!

Here are just a few of my favourites from in and around Sydney and New South Wales. Enjoy!!

Sydney Harbour bridge and Opera House Sydney Harbour views Darling Harbour Darling Harbour views Darling Harbour views Australian Flag Sydney Harbour views Maritime Museum

Sydney views

Sydney Harbour views Sydney Harbour views


And heading in the other direction, away from the city into the Blue Mountains. We visited Katoomba and Echo Point. The this first picture is of a rock formation known as the 3 sisters

Katoomba and the 3 sisters Echo Point Katoomba and the 3 sisters Echo Point Katoomba and the 3 sisters Echo Point

Katoomba and the 3 sisters Echo Point


And a little closer to home. A few shots from our neighbourhood


32 Comments on Do what you love! | Bella Vista Photographer

  1. Savannah says:

    Love the colors and richness to the images! Would love to travel some day!

  2. Britinni says:

    Love the idea of being a tourist in your own city. Of course, Sydney is quite a place to be! Beautiful images of your new home!

  3. Kristin says:

    What a great story! Loved reading about it!! GreT pictures as well!!

  4. Kat says:

    Beautiful images! Thanks for sharing your heart!

  5. Jordyn says:

    Love this! Your images are gorgeous! I’d love to be able to visit Australia one of these days ❤

  6. Britni says:

    I have a very similar story. It wasn’t till I went full time that I looked back at where it all began and saw sign after sign. So cool to see Gods hand in it all! So glad you found your way!

    • Mandy Provan says:

      It’s so amazing how God guides us to where we’re meant to be. He really must shake his head and smile with a soft chuckle when we eventually have that lightbulb moment! :p So glad you found your way too!

  7. Heather Leicy says:

    I just love how photography can document so many memories in our lives! Beautiful details you captured!

  8. Nicole says:

    I loved reading about your story and glad to see i’m not the only one who has held crazy different jobs that have nothing to do with what I went to school for! 🙂

  9. Tania says:

    Had no idea you were in Australia!! Got to love LA law 🙂

  10. Terry Wilson says:

    Hey Jane-O…great story. Don’t think the prim and proper order of the lawyer day would have suited your free, adventurous spirit for long kiddo.

  11. Sarah says:

    Mandy, love ALL the photos and also what you shared! Your work is so incredible!

  12. Jen says:

    This makes me want to travel more!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  13. Alisha says:

    Oh, Mandy, this rings so true! I always loved photography, but never pictured myself taking pictures of people, let alone weddings! But here I am! And loving every minute!

  14. Leidy & Josh says:

    Beautiful post Mandy and your work makes us want to travel to Australia even more!

  15. Tans says:

    Beautifully written & portayed in pictures. You have harnessed your talent with all you have & now living your passion 😊😊. Love & miss you loads ❤️

  16. Gen says:

    I have always had a love of photography. Begged for my first point and shoot for my 10th birthday.
    My parents bought me one which spent more time in the shop being repaired than in us… But the love never went away. Many years later, my first pay check after finding my feet I purchased my first DSLR, A Canon 500D.. My sister gifted my her 50D as a goodbye present and recently I treated myself to the 5D :). Onwards and upwards.

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I'm Mandy and I'm so happy you found the Sugar Tree blog. Here you'll find posts from recent sessions, personal ramblings and tips and tricks on anything from taking better selfies, to how to get great snapshots of your kiddo's. Stay a while and say hello!

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The sugar tree Wedding portrait guide

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WEDDING photography portrait GUIDE

Your wedding photography portraits are one of the only tangible memories you will have after your wedding day. These tips will guide you through making decisions to get the best possible wedding photographs on your special day.

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